About us

FBO System Solutions AS is a Norwegian-owned company that develops software for FBOs – firms that handle all ground services for private air traffic, whether it’s private jets, military, cargo, helicopters, or crew and passenger transportation by limousine.
FBO System Solutions AS is owned and operated by highly qualified individuals with many years of experience in ground handling, passenger transportation, software development, and business development
Main Office Address

Skaudalen 12B, N-1727 Sarpsborg, Norway
E-mail: sales(at)fbosystemsolutions.com

Org. No.: 933 295 850
Reg. in The Brønnøysund Register Center, Norway

What we do

The company provides the cloud service LIGA 24/7, which covers all logistics, booking, ground handling, resource planning, and invoicing of services, essentially offering a full range of services from when an aircraft lands until it takes off again.
LIGA 24/7 covers all operations in the processes of an FBO (Fixed Base Operator) and is tailored to all international standards, data security requirements, and personal data.
The solution does not require local installation at the customers’ premises and can be used on all platforms and types of devices – desktops, laptops, and handheld devices.

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